Take a look at the main areas where Rhinoceros CAD software con really improve your daily work with its hight performing features.
Rhino 8 adds dozens of refinements to existing tools, some new commands, and the new lightweight extrusion objects:
In Rhinoceros visibility features include: fast 3D graphics, unlimited views, shaded views, multiple perspective views, named views, floating windows, full-screen view, 3D stereo view mode, two-point perspective, clipping planes, and 1:1 scale to view models at full size.
Rhinoceros rendering technology includes the advanced use of both CPU and GPU which allow models to be displayed using the augmented reality.
Robust mesh import, export, creation, and editing tools are critical to all phases of design. With Rhinoceros you can:
Recent improvement in mesh management:
ReMeshQuad: Quickly create a quad mesh from existing surfaces, solids, meshes and SubD objects – ideal for rendering, animation, CFD, FEA and reverse engineering.
Both new and enhanced mesh tools, plus support for double-precision meshes, accurately represent and display ground forms such as the 3-D topography of a large city.
3D data management is one of the first operation that needs to be performed when making a project. Rhinoceros supports 64 bit 3D scanning to better manage big point clouds.
One of he specific implementation for the 3D data capturing is the LIDAR technology which allows the capturing of soils data. This application is supported even by specific plugin like RhinoTerrain which provides fundamental info about soil.
More than 25 new commands and major enhancements for working with large teams organize, manage, and administer massive projects and huge files, including:
Rhino is compatible with hundreds of different products for CAD, CAM, CAE, rendering and animation. The openNURBS libraries allow hundreds of other applications to read and write Rhino’s native 3DM files. Additionally, you can Copy/Paste items between Rhino and Illustrator®, Inkscape™, and Affinity Designer® (Windows only).
Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor included in Rhino. Despite what happens with RhinoScript, Rhino.Python or other programming languages, with Grasshopper, the users can write thier own code without having the knowledge.
Main features:
Clash is a Grasshopper component dedicated to conflict detection. It identifies points of objects intersection that you can quickly detect and eliminate to void collisions. It is particularly useful in architecture, engineering and construction.
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